GB Studio and its angles.


When I started the development of the 'DF project', it was all a bit experimental, and that led me to the creation of the enemy "Eyeded" or just Eye.

The main thing about this enemy was the ability to detect where you are in relation to it, and launch a ball of energy towards you, which you (if you're skilled) can reflect if you hit.

 - Hello, my name sounds obvious.


The work started in July where I started studying how GB Studio's 'angle' system worked. Unfortunately, I came across a lack of any documentation on the internet, which made me start writing down anything discovered during the study in my notebook.

The first thing to note is that 90° was not a right angle, basically there was another right angle that was defined as the base. 

And how did I discover this? 

Testing one value at a time.

Which led me to this incorrect version:

But why?

There was an error in the first test I did in July, I didn't consider the speed of the projectile. In short, depending on the speed of the projectile, the angles may have a less relevant value, which led to failures due to inconsistencies in the first test.




Fortunately, before making this post I tweaked it leading to this new result:

(Thank you SPERAR for showing me this better).

As you can see, it's still strange, but just compare the magnitude formula (rule of three), and then:

(64 x Real Angle/90= Angle GB Studio)

Some notes:

This has been my research since July, unfortunately I'm not studying this anymore, if there are any errors mentioned here, please report them in the comments of this post.

Feel free to use this information if you want to do more in-depth research.

I may soon make a post explaining how to adapt the 'angle between two vectors', but it will require several adjustments on my part.

If anyone wants to do it first, I'd be happy to share.

Thank you for your attention, and soon I hope to show you more about the development of my projects.

 - Bye, do you really think my name is obvious?

Get DF project

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